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Our Education and Employment Program (EEP) helps families overcome barriers to academic excellence and workforce success using individualized roadmaps based  on each client’s particular strengths and needs.

Education & Employment Program

Employment Counseling

Residents participating in our Employment Counseling program work with our staff and local partners to build the foundation for lifelong independence through resources such as: 1-on-1 career coaching; resume assistance; job readiness; and job placement assistance.

Employment counseling is also a major focus of our weekly Life Skills program. In FY24, St. Ann's Center was fortunate to partner with collaborators offering specialized expertise and insights during Life Skills classes. Topics covered include: career development; resume writing; interview skills; self-esteem; personal goal setting; vision boards; financial wellness and personal banking.

Education Support

Our primary objective for clients is high school completion by earning their diploma or GED. We work one-on-one with each client to meet her educational goals and build a foundation for a family-supporting career. Supports include: GED Support; Post- Secondary Support Services; Volunteer and Internship Opportunities; Career Counseling; Child Care Services; and Parenting Classes.

Our Focus

Our primary objective for clients in our Teen Mother-Baby Program, Grace House, is high school completion by earning their diploma or GED. We work one-on-one with each client to meet her educational goals and build a foundation for a family-supporting career.

Our staff understands the unique challenges that pregnant and parenting young mothers face in school. For many of our Grace House residents, unplanned pregnancy has caused them to fall behind in their education and feel discouraged about their academic future.

To ease students' transition back into the school setting, our staff have fostered an environment that enables individualized support and attention.

Support Services

  • GED Support
  • Post-Secondary Support Services
  • Volunteer and Internship Opportunities
  • Career Counseling
  • Day Care Services and Parenting Classes


For information on how to apply, please visit our admissions page.