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Zinzi Family Party Nets $30,000 for St. Ann's!

The Zinzi Family and their large circle of friends and associates have given the children, young mothers and families of St. Ann's a wonderful Christmas present once again this year.

The annual Zinzi Christmas Party, which for years has raised much-needed funds for St. Ann's and Children's Hospital, donated a whopping $30,000 to St. Ann's! Below, Sr. Mary Bader and Beth Ann Fromm, St. Ann's Grant Director, accept a symbolic check from Frank Zinzi, Jr.(from left), Chris Zinzi, Frank Zinzi, Sr., and Jeff Harrison. These gentlemen have poured their hearts and souls into making their event not only a fantastic party for those who attend but also a major fundraiser for the causes they care about.

In addition to the four men above, St. Ann's is also grateful to Republic National Distributing Company, Premium Distributors of Washington, The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, Howard and Patsy Morgan and the many other individuals who made this donation possible.

Thank you!!